International Organization for Standardization
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO About - ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 161 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.
Standards catalogue
ICS - Published Standards
- ICS 01 - Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation
- ICS 03 - Services. Company Organization, Management and Quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology
- ICS 07 - Mathematics. Natural Sciences
- ICS 11 - Health Care Technology
- ICS 13 - Environment. Health Protection. Safety
- ICS 17 - Metrology and Measurement. Physical Phenomena
- ICS 19 - Testing
- ICS 21 - Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use
- ICS 23 - Fluid Systems and Components for General Use
- ICS 25 - Manufacturing Engineering
- ICS 27 - Energy and Heat Transfer Engineering
- ICS 29 - Electrical Engineering
- ICS 31 - Electronics
- ICS 33 - Telecommunications. Audio and Video Engineering
- ICS 35 - Information Technology. Office Machines
- ICS 37 - Image Technology
- ICS 39 - Precision Mechanics. Jewelery
- ICS 43 - Road Vehicles Engineering
- ICS 45 - Railway Engineering
- ICS 47 - Shipbuilding and Marine Structures
- ICS 49 - Aircraft and Space Vehicle Engineering
- ICS 53 - Materials Handling Equipment
- ICS 55 - Packaging and Distribution of Goods
- ICS 59 - Textile and Leather Technology
- ICS 61 - Clothing Industry
- ICS 65 - Agriculture
- ICS 67 - Food Technology
- ICS 71 - Chemical Technology
- ICS 73 - Mining and Minerals
- ICS 75 - Petroleum and Related Technologies
- ICS 77 - Metallurgy
- ICS 79 - Wood Technology
- ICS 81 - Glass and Ceramics Industries
- ICS 83 - Rubber and Plastic Industries
- ICS 85 - Paper Technology
- ICS 87 - Paint and Color Industries
- ICS 91 - Construction Materials and Building
- ICS 93 - Civil Engineering
- ICS 95 - Military Engineering
- ICS 97 - Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Sports
TC - Standards Under Development
- TC 1 - Screw threads
- TC 2 - Fasteners
- TC 4 - Rolling bearings
- TC 5 - Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings
- TC 6 - Paper, board and pulps
- TC 8 - Ships and marine technology
- TC 10 - Technical product documentation
- TC 11 - Boilers and pressure vessels - STANDBY
- TC 12 - Quantities and units
- TC 14 - Shafts for machinery and accessories
- TC 17 - Steel
- TC 18 - Zinc and zinc alloys - STANDBY
- TC 19 - Preferred numbers - STANDBY
- TC 20 - Aircraft and space vehicles
- TC 21 - Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting
- TC 22 - Road vehicles
- TC 23 - Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry
- TC 24 - Particle characterization including sieving
- TC 25 - Cast irons and pig irons
- TC 26 - Copper and copper alloys
- TC 27 - Solid mineral fuels
- TC 28 - Petroleum products and related products of synthetic or biological origin
- TC 29 - Small tools
- TC 30 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits
- TC 31 - Tyres, rims and valves
- TC 33 - Refractories
- TC 34 - Food products
- TC 35 - Paints and varnishes
- TC 36 - Cinematography
- TC 37 - Terminology and other language and content resources
- TC 38 - Textiles
- TC 39 - Machine tools
- TC 41 - Pulleys and belts (including veebelts)
- TC 42 - Photography
- TC 43 - Acoustics
- TC 44 - Welding and allied processes
- TC 45 - Rubber and rubber products
- TC 46 - Information and documentation
- TC 47 - Chemistry
- TC 48 - Laboratory equipment
- TC 51 - Pallets for unit load method of materials handling
- TC 52 - Light gauge metal containers