
on . Posted in Project Management Engineering

Depreciation, abbreviated as Dep, is the process of deducting the cost of a business asset over a long perion of time.


Depreciation - Straight-Line Method Formula

\(\large{ Dep =  \frac{ AC \;-\; RV }{ ULA }   }\)
\(\large{ Dep }\) = depreciation
\(\large{ AC }\) = asset cost
\(\large{ RV }\) = residual value
\(\large{ ULA }\) = useful life of asset


Depreciation - Unit of Production Method Formula

\(\large{ Dep =  \frac{ AC \;-\; RV }{ ULA } \; UP  }\)
\(\large{ Dep }\) = depreciation
\(\large{ AC }\) = asset cost
\(\large{ RV }\) = residual value
\(\large{ LTP }\) = life-time production
\(\large{ UP }\) = units produced


Depreciation - Double Declining Balance Method Formula

\(\large{ Dep =  \frac{ AC \;-\; AD }{ ULA }   }\)
\(\large{ Dep }\) = depreciation
\(\large{ AC }\) = asset cost
\(\large{ AD }\) = accumulated depreciation
\(\large{ ULA }\) = useful life of asset


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