Circular Pitch

on . Posted in Gear

gear depth 1Circular pitch, abbreviated as CP, is the measured distance along the circumference of the pitch diameter from the point of one tooth to the corresponding point on an adjacent tooth.   In simpler terms, it is the distance between corresponding points on adjacent teeth, measured along the pitch circle.  The circular pitch is one of the parameters used in gear design and is essential for determining the spacing and dimensions of gears in a system.  It ensuring a smooth and accurate transmission of motion between gears in various mechanical applications.


Circular Pitch formula

\( CP \;=\; (\pi\;PD) \;/\;n_t \)     (Circular Pitch)

\( PD \;=\; (CP\;n_t) \;/\;\pi \) 

\( n_t \;=\; (\pi\;PD) \;/\;CP \) 

Symbol English Metric
\( CP \) = circular pitch \(in\) \(mm\)
\( \pi \) = Pi \(3.141 592 653 ...\) \(3.141 592 653 ...\)
\(PD \) = pitch diameter \(in\) \(mm\)
\( n_t\) = number of teeth \(dimensionless\) \(dimensionless\)


Circular Pitch formula

\( CP \;=\; \pi\;/\;DP \)     (Circular Pitch)

\( DP \;=\; \pi\;/\;CP \) 

Symbol English Metric
\( CP \) = circular pitch \(in\) \(mm\)
\( \pi \) = Pi \(3.141 592 653 ...\) \(3.141 592 653 ...\)
\( DP \) = dimetrical pitch \(in\) \(mm\)


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Tags: Gear