Electric Voltage

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pie chartElectric voltage V or E, also known as electric potential difference, is the measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge that is required to move a charge from one point to another in an electric field.  A unit of electrical pressure.  One volt is the amount of pressure that will cause one ampere of current in one ohm of resistance.

Tags: Cathodic Protection Electrical Voltage

Electric Voltage Index

In simple terms, voltage is the force that drives the electric current through a conductor.  It is similar to the pressure that drives water through a pipe.  The greater the voltage, the more electric charge will flow through a circuit.  Voltage can be calculated using Ohm's Law, which relates voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit.


Electric Voltage formula

\( V = I \; R \)     (Electric Voltage)

\( I =  V \;/\; R \)

\( R =  V \;/\; I \)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( I \) = current \(I\) \(C \;/\; s\)
\( R \) = resistance \(\Omega\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A^2\)


Electric Voltage formula

\( V =  P \;/\; I \)     (Electric Voltage)

\( P =  V \; I  \)

\( I =  P \;/\; V \)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( I \) = current \(I\) \(C \;/\; s\)
\( P \) = power \(P\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)


Electric Voltage formula

\( V = \sqrt{ P \; R } \)     (Electric Voltage)

\( P =   V^2 \;/\; R \)

\( R =  V^2 \;/\; P \)

Symbol English Metric
\( V \) = voltage \(V\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A\)
\( P \) = power \(P\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3\)
\( R \) = resistance \(\Omega\) \(kg-m^2 \;/\; s^3-A^2\)


Voltage in Series formula

 The total voltage of several voltage sources or drops in series.

\( V_t  =  V_1 + V_2 + V_3 +\; ...    \) 
Symbol English Metric
\( V_t \) = voltage total source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)
\( V_1, V_2, V_3 \) = voltage source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)


Voltage in Parallel formula

 The voltage sources or drops in parallel having equal voltages.

\( V_t  =  V_1  = V_2 = V_3 =\; ...    \) 
Symbol English Metric
\( V_t \) = voltage total source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)
\( V_1, V_2, V_3 \) = voltage source or drop \(V\) \(kg-m^2\;/\;s^3-A\)

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Tags: Cathodic Protection Electrical Voltage